3 Sleep tips to help with the Back to School Transition
Sleep tips from a Sleep Consultant Vancouver
September is pretty much synonymous with “Back to School”. Whether your toddler or preschooler is starting daycare for the first time or returning for another school year, getting into a new routine after summer can be a bit of a drag.
Here are 3 sleep tips to help ease that transition:
1.During the morning, get natural unfiltered light for at least fifteen minutes when you can. This will send a strong message to the brain and internal clock which helps with alertness. This also helps establish our circadian rhythm which helps with sleep.
2.In the evening, make sure to turn off screens at least an hour before bedtime. Blue light and bright white light inhibit the production of melatonin (the sleepy hormone).
3.An hour before bed, dim the lights in the house. Use dimmers or lamps whenever possible and swap out any bright night lights for red or amber coloured ones.
Getting into a new routine can be difficult but when you incorporate these tips into your child's routine it can make life that much easier. If you’re looking for help with toddler sleep issues and live in the Lower Mainland and would like to work with a sleep consultant in Vancouver, I offer in-person appointments. Online appointment are also available. Working together we can troubleshoot any issues you may be dealing with, including crib to bed transitions, separation anxiety, or night time fears. Toddler sleep training packages available.
Happy Back to School!